Simposio Internacional de Neurología de Santiago 2023
Lunes 17 de julio de 2023 - Jueves 20 de julio de 2023
El Simposio Internacional de Neurología de Santiago 2023 (SINS 2023) se llevará a cabo desde el lunes 17 de Julio, hasta el jueves 20 de Julio del presente año , en el Aula Magna de la Universidad de los Andes.
Los expositores son :
Dra. Marta Rubiera ACV Hospital Universitario Vall d 'Hebrón , España
Dr. Marc Ribó ACV Hospital Universitario Vall d 'Hebrón , España
Dr. Warren Mason Neuro Oncología University of Toronto , Canada
Dr. Ricardo Alonso Esclerosis Múltiple Neuroinmunología Hospital Ramos Mejía , Argentina
Dr. Dileep Nair Epilepsia Cleveland Clinic , EEUU
Dra. Cristina Tassorelli Cefalea University of Pavia , Italia
Dr. Lawrence Korngut Neuromuscular University of Calgary , Canada
Dr. Fabio Blandini Trastornos del movimiento University of Pavia , Italia
Dr. Juan Ignacio Rojas Esclerosis Múltiple Neuroinmunología Hospital Universitario CEMIC , Argentina
Programa preliminar SINS 2023
Monday 17th
13:00 13:30 Approach to patients with progressive weakness. Dr. Lawrence Korngut
13:30 14:00 Motor neuron disease. What is new? Dr. Lawrence Korngut
14:00 14:30 Coffee Cinsan
14:30 15:00 Neuromuscular national registries. Personal experience of 13 years with the Canadian neuromuscular registry. Dr. Lawrence Korngut
15:00 15:30 The role of the neurologist in innovation of novel neurotechnologies. Dr. Lawrence Korngut
Tuesday 18th July
08:30 09:15 Optimizing Epilepsy Surgical Resections and Patient Outcomes. Dr. Dileep Nair
09:15 10:00 Effective Connectivity in Focal Cortical Dysplasia using SEEG. Dr. Dileep Nair
10:00 10:30 Q&A
10:30 11:30 Sattelite Symposium Glaxo Herpes Zoster: Burden of disease and opportunities for prevention. Dra. Isabel Elicer Coopman , Dr. Carlos Pérez Cortés
11:30 12:00 Coffee Glaxo
Movement Disorders
12:00 13:00 Sattelite Symposium Medtronic
13:00 13:00 Lunch Medtronic
13:40 14:10 The genome-microbiome axis in Parkinson disease Dr. Fabio Blandini
14:10 14:40 GBA mutations in Parkinson disease current and future implications Dr. Fabio Blandini
14:40 15:00 Q& A
15:00 15:30 Coffee Cinsan
15:30 16:00 Deep phenotyping and genotyping for a personalized therapeutic approach in Parkinson disease. Dr. Fabio Blandini
16:00 16:30 Q&A
Neuro Oncology
16:30 17:00 Advances in the Classification of Gliomas: Implications for the Management of Glioblastoma. Dr. Warren Mason
17:00 17:30 Advances in the Management of Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) with Pediatric-Type Gliomas. Dr. Warren Mason
17:30 17:50 Q&A
17:50 18:20 Advances in the Management of Low-Grade Gliomas. Dr. Warren Mason
18:20 19:00 Q&A
Wednesday 19th July
Multiple sclerosis / Neuroimmunology
08:30 08:50 Multiple sclerosis clinical records and their impact on patient management. Dr Juan Ignacio Rojas
08:50 09:10 Pros and Cons of highly effective therapies: should they be permanently maintained? Dr Ricardo Alonso
09:10 10:10 Sattelite Symposium Merck : Right treatment for the right patient. Dr. Ricardo Alonso, Dr. Juan Ignacio Rojas , Dra. Lorna Galleguillos:
10:10 10:40 Coffee Merck
10:40 11:00 Cognitive evaluation in the follow-up of patients with high efficacy therapy. Ps Barbara Eyzaguirre
11:00 12:00 Sattelite Symposium Novartis
12:00 12:20 Multiple Sclerosis or Neuromyelitis, is there an overlapping disease or are they diagnostic problems? Dr Juan Ignacio Rojas
12:20 12:40 Current and previous therapeutic options in the management of the spectrum of neuromyelitis optica. Dr Ricardo Alonso
12:40 13:40 Sattelite Symposium Roche MS: Real World Evidence Studies, from the paper to the clinic and back. Dra. Ethel Ciampi
13:40 14:30 Lunch Roche
14:30 14:50 SOCHEDEM clinical cases
14:50 15:50 Sattelite Symposium Biogen Advances in MS care - A new opportunity in high efficacy therapy. Dr. Alonso , Dra. Galleguillos
15:50 16:20 Coffee Biogen
16:20 16:40 Late Window Imaging Selection for Endovascular Therapy in acute ischemic stroke: role of non advanced imaging. Dr. Marc Ribó
16:40 17:00 Practical approach to thrombectomy. Dr. Marc Ribó
17:00 17:20 Neuroprotective strategies in acute ischemic stroke. Dr. Marc Ribó
17:20 17:30 Q&A
17:30 18:00 Screening of atrial fibrillation after ischemic stroke or TIA. Dra. Marta Rubiera
18:00 18:30 Medium and low-risk cardioembolic sources in ischemic stroke. Dra. Marta Rubiera
18:30 18:40 Q&A
Thursday 20th July
09:00 09:30 Update on the acute and preventive treatment of migraine. Dra. Cristina Tassorelli
09:30 10:00 Cluster headache: diagnosis and treatment. Dra. Cristina Tassorelli
10:00 10:20 Q&A
10:20 11:20 Sattelite Symposium Pfizer Rimegepant: Clinical experience in the acute and preventive treatment of migraine. Dra. Cristina Tassorelli
11:20 11:50 Coffee Pfizer
11:50 12:20 Refractory headache: clinical definition and management. Dra. Cristina Tassorelli
12:20 12:50 Q&A
Comité Organizador
Dr. Andrés De la Cerda Santa María
Dr. Nicholas Earle Gómez
Dr. Alex Espiniza Giacomozzi
Dra. Lorna Galleguillos Goiry
Dr. Ignacio González Alcalde
Dr. Prudencio Lozano Iraguen
Dra. Anna Milán Solé
Dr. Carlos Navarrete Maldonado
Dr. Randy Ulloa Quezada
Dr. Mario Rivera Kindel
Dr. Phillipe Salles Gándara
Dr. Jorge Villacura Avendaño
Inscripciones :
Inscripción Temprana Médicos: hasta 20 Junio: $60.000
Inscripción Tardía Médicos: (desde 21 Junio): $80.000
Inscripción en Congreso: $100.000
Becados, alumnos, médicos Clínica Dávila, Clínica Santa María , Clínica Vespucio y Clínica Universidad de los Andes: sin costo, solo inscribirse online.
Foreign Neurologist: register for free.
Otros profesionales: sin costo
***La confirmación de la inscripción se hace una vez que se realiza el pago de la inscripción vía transferencia
Razón Social: Corporación De Investigación De Neurología De Santiago
• Email:
• Rut: 65.092.002-3
• Giro: Organización sin fines de lucro
• Teléfono: 991580664
• Nombre Contacto: Andrés De La Cerda
• Banco: BICE
• Tipo Cuenta: Cuenta Corriente
• N° Cuenta Bancaria : 14006001

Marta Rubiera
Hospital Universitario Vall d 'Hebrón , España

Marc Ribó
Hospital Universitario Vall d 'Hebrón , España

Warren Mason Neuro
University of Toronto , Canada

Ricardo Alonso
Neuroinmunología Hospital Ramos Mejía , Argentina

Dileep Nair Cleveland Clinic , EEUU
Cleveland Clinic , EEUU

Cristina Tassorelli
University of Pavia , Italia

Lawrence Korngut
University of Calgary , Canada

Fabio Blandini
University of Pavia , Italia

uan Ignacio Rojas
Universitario CEMIC , Argentina
Aula Magna Universidad de los Andes